Impossible is a way of thinking:

I wonder how many times I have been stopped in my tracks by limited thinking. It becomes more apparent when I think of when I have overcome it and seen the result. A good example of what can be achieved was provided by Cai this Christmas. When asked what he wanted from Santa the response was instant, “I want a flying broom”. Sometimes, I will immediately shut him down especially when I do not believe that what he wants is possible. Thankfully, I did not do it this time. The question is, how does someone find a flying broom for a six year old?

Kim put out a call for help on Facebook, all she got was facetious responses – fancy that! I struggled to think of something and the muse was elusive. The germ of an idea came from Cai’s cousin William who provided a solution that was embraced and developed. As is often the case this solution came form the least expected source; being open to suggestion was key, as was treating this as a team activity. Before we knew it the materials had been collected and put together – I will confess we were impressed. On Christmas day Cai woke up excited, my highlight of the day though was when he saw one particular package. Tearing it open a huge smile lit his face; he had a flying broom.

Here is Santa’s note that accompanied it as a reminder that there is still magic in the world.

A Christmas Gift:

The broom of Maximillian Remus-Crown,
To earth by a hex was brought down.
Into the hands of Wizard Cai it finds its way,
On this auspicious, sunny Christmas day.

To raise it back into the sky,
Seven years of Cai’s life must go by;
During this time he must find the spell,
Then as transport it will serve him well.

Bon chance, good luck, lwcus dda.
I will be watching you carefully from afar.
I look forward to meeting you in the air,
Until then I hope that well you fare.

From a friendly wizard who cannot yet be named

How do you make the impossible possible?


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